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Theory Of Evolution Essay. Many people believe that if you cannot see something, that something does not exist. By something I mean God. Those who discard the thought of a Creator then turn to science to provide evidence for our origins. The theory science puts forth is called evolution Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution essay. Free Essays. Evolution as defined in biology, the continual process by which one form of life changes, or evolves, into another form. Some religious groups deny that evolution exists, but most scientists accept it as fact. The theory of evolution suggests that all plants and animals descended from one or several kinds of simple blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
The Theory of Evolution - Words | Essay Example
The origin of life theory of evolution essay be the greatest puzzles that the humankind has ever faced. Old as the hills and practically unsolvable, the problem has led to a number of theories, most of which name the divine power as the reason for the universe to exist. Thus, grounding its basic postulated on scientifically proved facts, the theory of evolution poses quite a contrast to the ideas of the existing religions and, therefore, requires a comparison to the other explanations of the origin of life. It must be admitted that the theory of evolution has a number of legit points and has all the rights to be considered the most valid theory of all existing. Thus, theory of evolution essay, it can be considered that the theory of evolution does have its contradictions.
As opposed to the idea that life forms can be developed in the course of evolution, the creationist theory is also well worth mentioning. Offering an idea of a superior creature that gave life to people and the entire variety of the Earth life forms, the theory of creation might seem far not as impressive and well-grounded as the theory of evolution. Indeed, there are little to no pieces of evidence that prove the divine creation of the Earth and the human race. However, it is still important to mention that the theory of creation is closer rather to a legend than to a theory of evolution essay justification.
Therefore, it can be considered that the theory of creativity serves rather as the stronghold of moral values than an explanation of the origin of life. Thus, the function of religion in society becomes more obvious. It is clear that religion does not offer any well-grounded explanations of the way the world was created, nor does it provide any pieces of evidence that God is the Creator of the Earth, the human race and the Universe, theory of evolution essay. Instead, religion serves as a guide for people to live peacefully and decently. Performing their different functions perfectly well, the theory of creationism and the theory of evolution can safely coexist in the modern world.
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Apr 24, · for only $ $11/page. certified writers online. Learn More. Thus, grounding its basic postulated on scientifically proved facts, the theory of evolution poses quite a contrast to the ideas of the existing religions and, therefore, requires a comparison to the other explanations of the origin of life. It must be admitted that the theory of evolution has a Theory Of Evolution Essay. Many people believe that if you cannot see something, that something does not exist. By something I mean God. Those who discard the thought of a Creator then turn to science to provide evidence for our origins. The theory science puts forth is called evolution Charles Darwin
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