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Short essays, long essays, essays in Hindi on various topics for kids. More. Recent Posts. 15 Dec Essay on Christmas in English. Introduction Christmas is the most important festival for Christians. Christmas same for them what Diwali is for the Hindus and EID for the Muslims. It is celebrated on the 25th of December every year Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language spoken all over India. It is one of the official languages of India. Hindi is written in the standardized Devanagari script, which is written from left to right. It was originally written with the Brahmi script but since the 11th century AD it has been written with the Devanagri alphabet Mar 02, · Hindi Essay (Hindi Nibandh) | विषयों पर हिंदी निबंध लेखन – Essays in Hindi on Topics. March 2, March 2, by Veerendra. (Child Marriage Essay) राष्ट्रीय एकीकरण पर Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
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